When it comes to organising your wedding party, you have a wide range of options. You could have a simple event or a themed party, perhaps featuring 60s, beach, Bond, or medieval themes. Or you could have a casino or celebrity look a like. As for decor you could feature an ice sculpture or chocolate fountain.
You'll need music of course and you have the choice of a live band, jazz band or a DJ laying down disco beats. Or your might prefer a string quartet, harpist, singer, piper or pianist. You could employ a toastmaster to be the master of ceremonies and keeps the event moving along. And on the all-important entertainment front, you could hire a caricaturist or silhouette artist. But for a wedding party that really goes with a bang, you can't beat a magician.
When we say magician, we're not talking about a man on a stage pulling a white rabbit out of a hat. We're talking about a modern interactive close-up magician. This magician moves among the tables or groups of people and entertains them with a sophisticated magic routine. Here are 5 great reasons why having a magician at your wedding reception will make it a rousing success.
Firstly, nothing gets a wedding party swinging quite like a magic routine. It provides an immediate spark to the atmosphere, creating a genuine buzz of excitement. Along with tucking into the food, swilling down the champagne and dancing to the band, your guests will be delighted to find you've arranged something special. Imagine their cries of surprised joy when the magician begins to weave his way through the tables and groups of guests bringing that special touch to the occasion. By personalising his act for each group, the magician is perfect for building and maintaining the relaxed atmosphere that makes every wedding party a success.