Celtic wedding rings are the perfect way to consummate your wedding vows and here is why: Celtic rings are steeped in a tradition of jewelry making dating back for centuries. Celtic wedding band designs are derived from Irish manuscripts such as the Book of Kells. Their intricate Celtic designs or interwoven patterns throughout the ring’s metalwork signify a couple’s promise to begin a new life together with the one never-ending, continuous circle signifying eternal and endless love. The wearing of Celtic jewelry in the past was an external sign of a person’s wealth and status. Many Celtic wedding rings were passed on from one generation to another becoming family treasures.
The popularity of these elegant wedding rings now allow couples from around the world to purchase these Celtic rings so there is no need to travel to Ireland to get an authentic Celtic wedding ring. The Internet has made shopping for these Celtic rings easy with lots of specialty retail jewelry stores online. Celtic rings are handmade by Irish craftspeople and are shipped all around the world to meet the demand. You may opt to have your wedding ring custom designed which is indeed highly recommended to get the best fit and design. If you are planning on customizing rings, be sure to order them early so the jewelry designers have time to make them. A good online retailer will have a wide choice of the following ring characteristics: precious metal (gold or platinum), Celtic pattern, ring size, number of gemstones, size of gemstones, etc. The combinations are numerous and is completely within your control, making them timeless pieces of art that remind you and your loved one of your uncompromising love for each other.
You can see celtic wedding rings in this site.